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Old Feb 10, 2007, 04:10 AM // 04:10   #21
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i'd say u could make more money from troll farming lol...average of 1k per 10 minutes.
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Old Feb 10, 2007, 04:12 AM // 04:12   #22
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Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
My guildie's do this and make tons of money. Also the soup is a great PVE item. +1 mending for ten minutes FTW .
It says ur looking for a guild...so wat do u mean by "guildies"
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Old Feb 17, 2007, 12:03 AM // 00:03   #23
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i gave the whole cobalt farming thing a shot...and...it failed miserably. i just wasn't able to keep up with their dmg
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Old Apr 12, 2007, 04:18 AM // 04:18   #24
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Originally Posted by HoHum
Okay. I actually took some of my precious playing time to see how wonderful Mr(s). ryanryanryan0310's suggestion for skale farming was... Bottom line: He may have more money than I do, but he should refrain from commenting in the thread anymore. (hehe, i'm just funning)

Here's my analysis comparing my experiences farming Bugs (Arkjok Ward, outside Yohlon Haven) vs. Skales (Issnur Isles, outside Beknur Harbor):

Bugs are richer:
  • Bugs have deeper pockets than Skales (i.e., Bugs carry more money).
  • Bugs use better equipment than Skales (i.e., Bug equipment sells for more).
  • Bugs are better locksmiths than Skales (i.e., Kournan keys & chests > Istani keys & chests).

Bugs are quicker:
  • Bugs are easier to round up than Skales.
  • Bugs cannot freeze your ass like Skales. (i.e., if you didn't know, this impedes your mobility).
  • Bugs are found right outside the entrance.
  • Translation: 24 bugs (16 on the right, 8 on the left) take only about 3 minutes to farm. Skales take longer than 3-4 minutes to farm. Not to mention the fact that to get 24 Skales, you have to actually go towards the 3rd pool.

  • Bugs (level 20) give more XP than Skales (level 14).

Oh yeah, Runes/Insignias:
  • The claim was made that "tons of rune's [sic]" can be obtained and sold from Skales. I admit, Skales do drop Half-digested boots and stuff, which may or may not contain these "tons of rune's [sic]."
  • Still, just add 5 more minutes after farming the Bugs and go farm the 15 Apes (level 22 Tusked Howlers & Hunters) that are nearby - they drop Half-digested armor, which can give you steel ingots and the runes/insignias to your hearts content! And it's only about 5 minutes more! For those who are math-deficient, that's a total of about 8 minutes of farming for both Bugs and Apes.

Best reason:
  • Bugs drop Insect Carapaces, which are a guaranteed sale for a guaranteed price (20 insect carapaces = 1200 gold).
  • Skales, drop... well, Skale Fins, which cannot be traded for anything of inherent value, unless I want to muck around trying to sell my Skalefin Soup, which incidently, no one seems to buy lately - especially at the alledged 800-1000 gold price.
(Hey ryanryanryan0310, I've got 19 Skalefin Soups. I had 20 but ate one just to see if I could get high (yes, I was that bored). I'll sell them to you - 500g a piece! )
Bottom Line:
Don't waste time with the Skales. Bugs & Apes are a better bang for the buck for now. When I find a place that generates a more profitable return (i.e., more money for the same or less amount of time), I'll be sure to write a different farming guide. For now, Bugs & Apes...
lol you totally pwnt him.

as for your build, i totally dig what you've done. when i started playing, i only had factions.. it was almost impossible to farm.. so i came up with my own way, and place to "farm". i made a CRAP load of money, and while people called me a noob, i had enough to buy some really sweet armor and weapons, which i later sold the weapons, and now i use either mid priced greens that i farm, or blues that i mod (collector items) while i farm. i have had all 3 for a long time now, and while i have been a fairly longtime player (since factions came out) i will always salute the single-campaigned original builds used to keep this game fun. hats off to you bro, you do what works for you and have fun doing it!
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Old Apr 12, 2007, 09:23 AM // 09:23   #25
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Wow, that build is really good for that purpose although I must admit I am not sure how you can solo the Apes as they usually range me and so never come right up to me which means I can't hit all at that same time and get mystic vigor to heal me for more. I have been using this build and it is good although again I am not so sure about how you make 1k every run by killing just insects. I kill them in about 6-7 mins, on the right side and left side, and still I don't make near 1k a run but still nice guide and VERY helpful to me as I see nearly every dervish farming guide have blathazars spirit which is good probably but ... I ONLY GOT NIGHTFALL!!!

EDIT: Where can/do I sell the jewelled chalice for 300g ? Cause to sell to shops its 100g, so I am guessing people or is there a specific buyer who buys for more ?

Last edited by kai4321; Apr 12, 2007 at 11:33 AM // 11:33..
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Old Apr 12, 2007, 08:41 PM // 20:41   #26
Ascalonian Squire
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HoHum: Where do you farm the bugs?
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Old Apr 12, 2007, 09:12 PM // 21:12   #27
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Originally Posted by disarm76
Back for the Unwaking Waters SV farming days, I made 20k an hour, not counting the gold weps I sold later. good days.
Yeah, those were the days, and 20k to say nothing of the Forbidden Keys and dye and stuff. Nothing like soloing 15 lvl 28's in 5 minutes. As far as this build, I am pretty sure you can make a 130 Dervish using NF only skills, since Protective Spirit can be gotten from the skill trainer in Kamadan. And instead of Healing Breeze (like in other 55, 105 builds, and a Prophecies/Factions skill) they use Mystic Regeneration. I dunno exactly how a 130 Dervish works, but since Essence Bond and Balthazar's Spirit are Prophecies skills, energy might be hard to come by, but for a relatively lower area like what you are farming, you might be able to do it.
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Old Apr 12, 2007, 10:45 PM // 22:45   #28
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The fastest Elonian farm I've seen is 750-1000+g every 2 minutes, or ~4k-5k every 10 minutes. Unfortunately, the anti-camp code kicks in pretty quickly after a few runs...

Last edited by lord_shar; Apr 12, 2007 at 10:48 PM // 22:48..
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Old Apr 12, 2007, 10:48 PM // 22:48   #29
Ascalonian Squire
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lord_shar: What is the build and what is the exact location? Thanks!
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Old Apr 13, 2007, 06:43 PM // 18:43   #30
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think he is refering to bug bomb
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Old Sep 25, 2007, 02:27 PM // 14:27   #31
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Default Well Done Hohum

I have tried this build/guide as you explained it, works great for me. Great job putting the build together and great suggestions from those that helped ya improve it. I got a great laugh on how well you handled Ryanryan's replies, and hope to see more builds/guides from you in the future.
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Old Sep 25, 2007, 05:31 PM // 17:31   #32
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Nice guide:
but 4k an hour is realy bad, may aswell do normal pve missions with teams of 8

As for normal farming locations

Cursed lands solo's : 20min = 5-6k + golds, tomes and runes = 15-18k per hour

Uw solo = 25-50k per hour
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Old Sep 25, 2007, 07:55 PM // 19:55   #33
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Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
Why are your using mending with mystic regeneration? Doesn't mystic regeneration give you insane amount of pips? And if you REALLY need more pips of regen why not use watchful spirit, that way you can spend more points in your other attributes?
QFT. Mending is never the solution.
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Old Sep 29, 2007, 12:32 PM // 12:32   #34
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This is a nice spot for botting, saying that it is 4k an hour. Not that i know about botting or using macros .
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Old Oct 01, 2007, 09:11 AM // 09:11   #35
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Ok, i think some of you need to read the first post again...


This thread isn't about "How to make the most money" but about how someone with only Nightfall can have a steady income...

So posts about Cursed Lands/Watchful Spirit aren't useful...

Back on topic:

Looks a nice build, though i don't have a dervish to try it out
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Old Oct 01, 2007, 04:00 PM // 16:00   #36
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Originally Posted by disarm76
Back for the Unwaking Waters SV farming days, I made 20k an hour, not counting the gold weps I sold later. good days.
Yeah good times indeed.
I was able to make 500k in a couple of days just from that area.
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Old Oct 01, 2007, 04:22 PM // 16:22   #37
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Originally Posted by MetalMan
So posts about Cursed Lands/Watchful Spirit aren't useful...
Because obviously if the OP doesn't have NF people reading this thread doesn't own other campaign either.
yeah. right.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 01:14 AM // 01:14   #38
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Originally Posted by Baaaa Ha ha ha...
i gave the whole cobalt farming thing a shot...and...it failed miserably. i just wasn't able to keep up with their dmg
Well it doesn't work anymore now because HM does too much damage and NM isn't worth farming.
But if you grouped them up, each swing of your scythe heals you for 90hp (75 mystic vigor and 15 vamp) and you have +10 health regeneration from Mystic Regen. By alternating normal attack > Mystic Sweep > normal attack > Eremite's Attack > normal attack > Mystic Sweep > etc., you hit twice every 2.5 seconds for ~1.25 between hits. Once you start whacking they die quickly and there's really no risk then. Not sure how you were failing miserably...

Anyway obsidian tanking for DoA would probably be your best bet for money with only Nightfall.

Although since this thread was made.... 8 months ago? he might have gotten other campaigns already...
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 01:55 AM // 01:55   #39
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Originally Posted by Marverick
Anyway obsidian tanking for DoA would probably be your best bet for money with only Nightfall.
I keep hearing that but I've never seen a build, could you post it?
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 02:03 AM // 02:03   #40
Ascalonian Squire
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thanks for sharing all that with us. nice to know people are sharing the ideas for us noobs.
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